The Program section outlines information on the Student Leadership and School Team opportunities that our students can take part in.
It is through student involvement and participation that the life of our school is enriched. Of course these opportunities would not exist without the leadership and involvement of our staff. We have a number of staff who express interest and take the time to provide our students with a variety of ways to be active and involved.
This section will also highlight Grade Six News; activities and information that are specific to Grade six We will provide information relevant to grade seven programming. We will also try to keep information on other specific Grade six events in this area. (Grade six Luncheon, Evans Lake...)
Student involvement plays an important role in the culture of our school. There are number of ways that our students can participate and demonstrate leadership.
You will also find information regarding the Community School aspect of our school; PHECSA (Promontory Heights Heights Elementary Community School Association)