School Routines & Expectations
Smoking on Premises
It has been district policy to ban smoking on school premises. New provincial legislation (Bill 10: The Tobacco Sales Amendment Act, 2007, Section 2.2 of the act), prohibits all persons from smoking or using tobacco, or holding lighted tobacco in or on school property. This applies to activities on site in the evening as well (PAC Meetings, concerts, team activities, Family Fun night, etc.). Thank you for your cooperation in respecting this legislation.
Parking at Promontory
Please do not park in front of the school at any time in the NO PARKING zones as we have large delivery vehicles arriving throughout the day and they require the space to unload supplies. Remember that the drop offf/pick up zones are for rolling stops. Please do not park in the drop off lane alon the side walk. The through lane is for parents to drive through or circle while waiting for the drop off/pick up lane to open up. Do Not park in this lane as it will congest the traffic. It would be greatly appreciated if you did not block vehicles in reserved spots for staff.
No Idling
It is District Policy that all vehicles are to turn off the engine when on school property in order to reduce emissions. Please turn off your car while waiting for your child.
Pets are important members of many families. This is very obvious by the noting the number of families who walk their pets (dogs) to/from school every day. When bringing your pets, please be mindful of the nature of your pet, the proximity your pet has to children, the crowded nature of morning and afternoon pick up, and the potential anxiety your pet, or children/adults somewhat anxious around dogs, may experience.
When bringing your dog to school please ensure the following:
· The pet is on a leash and under control. Being on a ‘short leash’ is most advisable.
· Although children are tempted to pet dogs, it is best that you follow a ‘hands off’ approach, as children in numbers may startle, or overwhelm your pet.
· Always clean up after your pet.
· Be very aware of your pet’s proximity to other dogs so as to ensure that their behaviour does not become aggressive, or unruly in a crowded situation.
Your attention to this will serve to help continue to make our school a safe and welcoming place for all who come by.
Please make the classroom teacher and the office staff aware of any concerns of this nature that impact upon your child’s family situation. The office must have current copies of court orders, custody access documents, and/or documents that limit or restrict access, in order for the school staff to support enforcement.
Please ensure that you have made your child’s classroom teacher and the office aware of any life-threatening allergies. Students that require Epi-pens must wear a fanny pack at all times with their Epi-pen and other medication in case it is needed. This will ensure that the Epi-pen is immediately available in the event it is needed.
Visitors to School
On occasion, parents come by the school to visit or spend time with their child at lunch. We request that, if you are visiting during these periods, you come to the office and pick up a Visitor Tag and please Sign In and Out at the office. In this way our teaching and support staff, including our Noon Hour Supervisors, will be able to clearly identify if you are a visitor and the office is aware you are here.
Volunteer Criminal Record Search
It is very important that parents, who wish to volunteer at our school, in any capacity, complete a Criminal Record Search form. Attendance on field trips, driving students on field trips or to team games, assisting with coaching, working with students in class, or taking in general volunteer service at the school all require that you complete and turn this form into the RCMP office. These forms are available at the school office. School Board Policy makes this process a necessity. The positive service parents provide is valued and we encourage you to complete this process in order to enable your involvement.
In/Out Days
WE WILL ENCOURAGE OUT DAYS. Even on days with drizzle or light rain children may be sent out for a period of time to get fresh air. The day is long and children do crave exercise and fresh air. PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR CHILDREN TO MAKE RESPONSIBLE CHOICES AND ENSURE THEY ARE DRESSED PROPERLY FOR THE WEATHER.
Messages for Students
During class time we make it a practice to minimize classroom disruptions to teachers and students. Learning time is important. If you have a message for your child during instructional time, please leave a message with our secretaries.
Students will be discouraged from using the school’s business phone for personal reasons (i.e., to arrange play dates). These types of arrangements are the students’ responsibility and are to be made at home prior to coming to school.
Bikes/Scooters/Roller Blades
A reminder to our students that bikes and scooters are meant as a way to get to and from school, and are not to be used on the school grounds. When bringing bikes to school walk bikes down the side walk, up the trail and walking track to the bike racks. It is strongly advised that bikes be locked to reduce the possibility of theft. Students are expected to wear bike helmets when riding bikes to school.
Effective the 2012/13 school year, scooters will not be permitted into the building for storage. Students will be required to store scooters at the bike rack and be responsible for locking and securing them.
Please leave skateboards/long boards at home. Again, these will not be permitted for storage in classrooms. Leave your roller blades at home.
Toys and Electronic Gadgets
We ask that students leave their electronic toys and gadgets at home. We expect that students do not use them at school (I/Pods/electronic games, etc.) On occasion, things can get damaged and or go missing and it is difficult for us to be responsible and follow up on this.
Use of digital communication technology at school
There are a number of students who, for purposes of family safety, have cell phones(IPhones..). Students are expected to not use cell phones at any time during the school day. At no time are students to use the cell phone camera/video option. There are some devices that may serve an educational purpose and may only be used with consent and under the direction and direct supervision of the classroom teacher. There are district policies that apply to the use of both school and personal devices when used for educational purposes at the school. These practices will be adhered to. It is expected that the use of Social Media at school adheres to these policies. Students will be expected to have completed the Acceptable User Agreement prior to any use of technology for educational purposes at the school.
For accounting purposes, we are asking for your assistance when making payments to the School/Teacher/PAC:
• Exact payment is needed for all funds brought to the school, as we are not able to easily provide change.
• When paying for field trips, please pay by separate cheques/cash for your children who are in different classes, as the teacher and School office counts this money.
• When paying for more than one field trip at a time, it would be appreciated if payments could be made separately.