Welcome to the Promontory Heights Library Web Page!

If you have any questions or need any help with library books please contact Mr. Mueller!   

New to the library? Want to see what we have to offer our patrons? Please check out the Promontory Heights Library Resource Catalogue



-Destiny Quest-                                                                                                                                                             

Squesttudents, sign into Destiny Quest here to search the collection and put holds on library books!

Click on the logo.


USERNAME is the Student #

PASSWORD is Year/Month/Day of the student's birth date.

-Follett Destiny-

 Follett DestinyTeachers and families, please search our library collection here!

 Please click on the logo. 



Recording the 15 minutes of reading a day  in the SUPER READER booklets will  begin Sept. 7, 2021

- Weekly Read-Aloud -

Terry Fox and Me by Mary Beth Leatherdale & Milan Pavlovic

- Online Student Databases for Research -

If your child is doing a research project or he/she some needs good, age appropriate information, please check out our online database subscriptions.  You will find the following links...

 - Selecting "Just Right" Books - 

Here at Promontory Heights, when our students go book shopping in the library they are supposed to find a “Just Right” or  “Good Fit” book at  their reading level. After they find a suitable book at their reading level they can pick out a choice book to read for fun.

Our students utilize the “Five Finger Rule” when looking for books in their reading levels. Students are taught to turn to the first page of the book and read it. For every mistake, they make they put a finger up into the air. Once they reach the bottom of the first page and have all 5 of their fingers in the air it means the book is too hard.  It is not a good fit. If they have two or three fingers in the air, the book is still a good fit, and they have a few new words to learn how to read.

- Library Parent Volunteers - 

We are fortunate to have the assistance of a core team of parents who provide a great service to our school, by helping in the library.   We couldn't have such a successful and busy library without your help!       

 If you would like to help out in the library,   please come and see Mr. Mueller


- Book Exchange Information for classes - 

KINDERGARTEN - 1 Book -  students take home one book each week.(After Winter Break, they will be able to take out 2 books)   

GRADE 1 & 2 - 2 Books - A 'just right' reading level book and a 'choice' book.

GRADE 3, 4 & 5 - 3 Books - A 'just right' reading level book and 2 'choice' books.

-Family Accounts-

Typically, the public is welcome into the library but during these challenging times the library will be closed to drop visits. For this school year family account activity is moving online. Starting on Friday, September 25, parents can email me library book orders and requests. I will prepare “take home” bags of books that can be picked up at the end of the school day. Families may have up to 15 books out at one time. Books can be kept for two weeks. Please keep in mind that I cannot guarantee any title, when you submit an order a general list works much better. Once your email is read and the books are collected I will contact you for pick up. I will try my best to complete the orders in good time.

-FVRL Online Library Cards-

Sign up for an eCard today at https://onlineregistration.fvrl.bc.ca/ and get instant access to all of our digital content, including eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, streaming movies and TV, eLearning, and more!

- Download audio books -

If you have an eReader or ipod that can download audio books, you can access eBooks and audiobooks from the BC Libraries (without walls) site.  You can also access more items through the Fraser Valley Regional Library  using OverDrive.  All you need is a library card and it is free to any Chilliwack resident.