Promontory Heights Elementary Community School has a close relationship with the Promontory Heights Elementary Community School Association (PHECSA).
PHECSA provides a number of after school, evening, weekend and summer opportunities for preschooler, school-aged children and adults throughout the year. Their Office is located in the school, and through our shared facility use, our community has access to many activities located directly in our community. PHECSA does provide afterschool day care which is located within the school itself and provides a convenient service to families attending our school.
Our school does have within the building a private preschool, for which information can be provided through the PHECSA Office.
Find out more about the Programs available:
Contact Information:
Promontory Heights Elementary Community School Association
46200 Stoneview Drive,
Chilliwack, B.C., V2R 5W8
Phone: 604 858 2999
Fax: 604 824 5925
Email: phecsa@phecsa.ca