School Supplies
School Supplies have been bulk ordered for the 2024/25 school year.
Kindergarten supplies will be $50.00 + $10.00 for Emergency Preparedness Fund (These can be combined into 1 payment of $60.00)
The money is to be given to the classroom teacher. Please make cheques payable to Promontory Heights Elementary.
Grade 1-5
School Supplies have been bulk ordered for the 2023-2024 School year.
- Grade 1 - Grade 4 - $45
- Grade 5 - $50
- subject to change
*some classroom teachers have chosen to use planners, resulting in an extra $5 charge, they will make students aware of this in September.
*there will also be an $8 charge for Gr.3 students for recorders*
The money is to be given to the classroom teacher. Please make cheques payable to Promontory Heights Elementary.
Alternatively, payments are now also available online, here.