Our upper intermediate students have the opportunity to take on a variety of leadership roles at our school. Their involvement and participation not only provides a service, but it allows the students to develop a variety of leadership skills. The contributions these students make is valued and appreciated.
Peer Leaders and Activity Leaders: Students in Grades 5 have the opportunity to take on a leadership role in these two areas. Peer Leaders are trained and take part in monthly 'refresher' sessions to assist them in developing skills that allow them to assist in supervising and assisting children on the playground during recess and lunch. Later in the spring we begin to provide our Grade 4 students with the opportunity to get involved.
Lunch Monitors: Our Grade 5 students are most helpful in helping to supervise students in grades 1 - 4. They are of great assistance to our adult Supervision Assistants.
Helping Hands: Under the direction of a teacher, a group of students help to coordinate fundraising events that help us to generate understanding and compassion for those in our community and beyond that benefit from extra assistance. These activities can include food drives, donation of money to particular charities and coat and mitten drives.
Recycling Team: Students from Grade 4 contribute by going throughout our building during the lunch break to collect the juice boxes and other refundable recyclables.
Library/Tech Helpers: Students assist in the library by helping with return and sign out procedures. They also assist during Super Reader Assemblies with prizes and escorting children to the library to have student pictures taken. Student Tech Helper assist in the Computer lab when this area is open for student use at lunch time.