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Curriculum Corner
Here is a rundown of the topics and material we are discussing in class.

English Language Arts (ELA)
Reading Outcomes
Big Idea: Texts can be understood from different perspectives.
Curricular Competencies addressed: Appling a variety of thinking skills to gain meaning from texts and considering different purposes, audiences, and perspectives when exploring texts
Writing Outcomes
Big Idea: Using language in creative and playful ways helps us understand how language works.
Writing Outcomes: Developing, applying, and expanding word knowledge and communicating in sentences and paragraphs, while applying conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
TumbleBooks is a collection of online reading material. It is worth checking out if you are looking for new and exciting things to read.
TumbleBooks login info:
Username: sd33 Password: reads

Big Idea: Developing computational fluency and multiplicative thinking requires analysis of patterns and relations in multiplication and division.
Curricular Competencies addressed: Explaining and justifying mathematical ideas and decisions and developing, demonstrating, and applying mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem-solving
Check out some of the fun math games here found on this site:

Big Idea: All living things sense and respond to their environment.
Curricular competencies addressed: Experiencing and interpreting the local environment and Identifying some straightforward environmental implications of their and others' actions

Social Studies
Big Idea: Interactions between First Peoples and Europeans lead to conflict and cooperation, shaping Canada's identity.
Curricular Competencies addressed: Differentiate between intended and unintended consequences of events, decisions, or developments, and speculate about alternative outcomes (cause and consequence)